The Emerging Opiate Crisis and Societal Unrest

The Emerging Opiate Crisis and Societal Unrest

In Addiction by Tree House Recovery

In recent years, we have seen a sharp increase in the number of opiate prescriptions, admittances to treatment for Substance Use Disorder, and deaths resulting from overdose. In the last 3 years alone, the staggering number of opiates deaths per year have surpassed HIV, car crash deaths, and deaths related to gun violence at their peak. On top of that, overdose has moved into first place as the primary cause of death for individuals under 55 years old. Finally, we have seen a decrease in life expectancy in the past 3 years, which has been unheard of since World War II. While the overprescribing of these drugs, and the addition of fentanyl into street drugs like heroin, we can begin to understand minimally why we have reached such a crisis point in the struggle against addiction and overdose. Along with the previously mentioned components making up the opiate crisis is the general tone of unrest amongst the American population. We witnessed the shocking nomination of Donald Trump to the presidency, which regardless if one prefers him or not, can make sense of this in part by understanding that his election was a reaction to the status quo establishment candidates that we have been served up for the majority of US history. The take away from this kind of discussion is an understanding that while there seems to be an endless supply of turmoil and society upheaval, as recovering addicts, we even more so now the before need to make sure that our proverbial homes are in order.

One of the most amazing gifts we receive from working an honest program is that we begin to fortify ourselves against the inevitable horrors of the external world. In times where everything can seem to be in disarray, we can apply the Serenity Prayer’s guidance of accepting what we cant change, harnessing the internal courage to change the things we can, and then applying wisdom so that we can know the difference between the two in order to take action when need be, and give ourselves a break upon the realization we can change everything. If we made the mistake of trying to fix the world’s problems, we will begin to lose sight of the changes that we can make right before our eyes, We can take up our own personal cross and “be the change we want to see in the world” rather than try and impose our will onto it.


Tree House Recovery of Portland, Oregon is a men’s addiction treatment center that teaches our clients how to roll with life’s punches and use the tools they’ve learned throughout the treatment process to stay on top of anything life throws at them. Call (503) 850-2474 to see how we can help you today.