Veterans Drug rehab
Help Veterans Understand Addiction & Veterans Rehab
Military Veterans and their families have sacrificed greatly for our Nation. Their heart, body, mind, and soul have gifted us all the freedoms we enjoy. This sacrifice has led many Veterans to suffer from mental traumas, physical wounds, and addiction. Addiction and pain leave people unable to regain control of their lives – feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally broken. If you are looking for a Veterans Rehab, Tree House is a great option.
The Tree House Commitment
At Tree House, our team honors the sacrifice of our Veterans. The Tree House Veterans Rehab is dedicated to helping our veterans take back control of their lives and become the people they once knew. Tree House is a veteran-owned program. The THR team has over a decade of experience supporting military veterans, athletes, and high achievers. We thank you for your service and know we can help you overcome your addiction and live the life you deserve. We want to help you so you can enjoy the freedoms you sacrificed for. Addiction is just one more mission to conquer.
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Veterans Drug rehab program in Portland
Tree House Recovery provides outpatient substance use disorder treatment to Veterans in Portland Oregon. Tree House’s mission is to help veterans who are struggling with substance abuse become whole and as healthy as possible by providing them with the most effective treatment. THR will help you create strength in your sobriety, enhance the quality of your life, and promote healthy lifestyles you can maintain long term. We believe that the best path to recovery is through community, trauma therapy, education, and a healthy lifestyle that will improve your quality of life. Our evidence-based program, individualized approach to treatment, strategies for coping, and relapse prevention tools will free you from your addiction. Call us today for a confidential assessment: (503) 850-2474
Vets Addiction Program Resources
- Outpatient Rehabilitation
- Individual and Group Therapy
- Family and Couple Therapy
- After Care
- Detox Coordination
- Coordinating Medication Management Referrals
Statistics of Veteran PTSD and Addiction
Veterans’ stress related to service, deployment, combat trauma, and PTSD is prevalent. Going through trauma may increase a person’s risk for suicide (1). In 2014, veterans made up over 20 percent of all the suicides in our Nation, averaging nearly 20 veterans committing suicide daily. (2) . Additionally, veterans with PTSD are more likely than others to have a drug and alcohol misuse problem.(3) Veterans tend to use drugs or alcohol to try to manage their PTSD symptoms in lieu of seeking therapy. The excellent news is PTSD and addiction can be successfully treated together simultaneously.(4) Effective evidence-based treatment practices are the most successful for treating these co-occurring disorders. If you believe you or someone close to you is struggling in a battle with SUD and PTSD, understand no one has to fight it alone. Help is available. Tree House Recovery PDX will help you create and execute a game plan that will work. Call us for a confidential assessment. We can and will help.
Learn More about Combat PTSD
Veteran Alcohol and Drug Statistics
The stress of civilian life after a career in the military increases the chances of substance use disorder (SUD) for veterans. The most common type of SUD among veterans is alcohol. The Nation Institute of Drug Abuse reported (1) that 65% of veterans who enter treatment claim alcohol as their substance of choice. That is nearly double that of the general population. SUD for alcohol takes many forms. For example, binge drinking is when someone has multiple drinks in a short time (4-5 plus drinks or more, 1-2 hours). Veterans who have experienced combat violence, injuries, and the traumas of service are at risk for developing substance use disorders to many substances in an effort to cope. Thankfully, effective SUD treatment is available. To learn more about Veterans Rehab options in Portland, call (503) 859-2472
Evidence-Based Treatment for Veterans
Ready to conquer this battle? THR is here to help by making an individualized purpose-built treatment plan that works for you. Our treatment teams are trauma and SUD experts. The team uses proven methods that will resolve your struggles and help you regain control of your life. As a veteran, you have already proven your strength. Our approach will build your strength using evidence-based practices. We offer a Mind-Body & Team approach that will help optimize your mental, physical and social fitness.

Our approach integrates the best available research, using evidence-based methods that work.
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- Cognitive Processing
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive
- Therapy
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy
- SUD Fitness Therapy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Family Therapy
Tree house Recovery & veterans
George Coleman
George Coleman, Co-founder, and Co-owner, served as a U.S. Military Intelligence specialist during his three Asian combat tours. Coleman dedicated himself to helping others and has worked with hundreds of people in sobriety. At Tree House Recovery, George works directly with clients specializing in helping them to resolve PTSD.

Neil Trusso
Neil Trusso, the National Physical Empowerment Director, served from 1989 to 1997 as a U.S. Navy SEAL. Trusso has worked directly with clients helping them rebuild themselves physically, chemically, and socially through the fitness, meditation, and team-based therapies offered at THR for nearly a decade.

Ryan Bain
Ryan is our National Program Director and addiction councilor. A certified physical trainer, licensed addiction counselor, and has a master’s degree in counseling psychology. He uses his experience as a former Division 1 college athlete (football and wrestler) and education to design treatment approaches that optimizes clients physically, mentally, and socially.

Discrete – Holistic Care – Substance Abuse – Trauma – PTSD
Tree House Recovery helps veterans at private, off-post locations throughout the U.S. THR PDX is off-site from the VA and other Veterans’ service organizations. For help with SUD and PTSD, our Portland location provides Veteran specific services that will help you regain control of your life. Our certified clinicians use a holistic, evidence-based approach that is proven to help veterans who are battling SUD. If you need help with addiction and PTSD, contact us today at: (503) 850-2474
THR Vet Rehab Locations:
- Oregon
- California
- North Carolina
Tree House’s 90-150 day rehab Program
Tree House offers a 3 to 5-month off-base and off-site from VA services outpatient SUD program in Portland, Oregon. For veterans who are looking for a community of brotherhood and safety, Tree House Recovery PDX may be the perfect option. Our treatment program keeps clients busy and engaged in team-building activities; we have designed our approaches to therapy to help veterans resolve the core issues of addiction while helping them build new relationships and develop the skills to integrate into the community.
Our curriculum-based program will help you effectively cope with your trauma, balance your chemistry, and build a strong peer support network that will last a lifetime. It will allow you to understand the root causes of your SUD and PTSD. You will build tools for relapse prevention that will work for you. Most importantly, you will be able to assimilate these skills into your daily life as you learn and master them—all with the help of your brotherhood and PDX treatment team.
The End-state of Addiction Recovery
The true goal of recovery is to live life to the fullest and without limits, to be happy and free from your addiction. Not live a life of “can’t do’s.” One of the best ways to view SUD treatment is to view it as the opportunity to optimize your performance as a whole person. Some people need direct guidance and assistance to step away from all that is going wrong to focus on getting well and doing right. Others may be able to continue their daily lives while participating in treatment. Every process is individualized. Your level of need will determine the best approach for you. Tree House Recovery has several unique options to assist you in obtaining an optimized and healthy end-state. Call us for a confidential assessment, and we will start mapping your path to health right now.
Continued-Care resources include:
- Sober living homes.
- Support groups
- Sober fitness groups
- Family support groups
You expect to spend 3 to 5 months in treatment, depending on your situation and level of necessity. Our shorter program (90-days) may be the best fit for your situation. Although, it is crucial to understand that you may need to dedicate more time, and our 5-month program may be a better route. Our over-the-phone assessment will help you to determine the best course to take.
Benefits Tree House Recovery PDX
- THR PDX can be a stepping stone from detox/residential care, giving you structure, accountability, and community.
- You can pause your life and focus on yourself. Unlike residential programs, you get exposed to the world while having the support systems to increase the likelihood of success.
- You have more autonomy to start using new life skills in the real world with your treatment team’s guidance and support.
Veteran After-Care Resources:
Discrete – Holistic Care – Substance Abuse – Trauma – PTSD
Your potential will increase as you increase the size of your team. Building a solid-sober community will strengthen your ability to stay sober and healthy. Many Tree House Recovery graduates remain connected well after treatment. Additionally, we will help connect you with other outside meetings so you can continue adding to your team for the rest of your life. The larger your team, the greater your potential.
Sober Fitness Groups
Fitness is a huge part of the Tree House program. Our graduates who continue their commitment to exercise increase their chances of staying sober. As a veteran, you are already familiar with physical fitness. That being said, our gym facilities are open to graduates for continued use post-treatment. It’s the perfect way to stay connected with your team and build on your momentum of living your best life possible. We will also help connect you with other sober fitness groups in your area if remaining in any of our locations is not an option.
Support groups
Support groups are a great resource when it comes to the long-term maintenance of your sobriety. We will connect you to various groups so you can stay connected both within your Tree House brotherhood and add additional support. Having a large sober network of brothers, friends, and community members will give you other people you can lean on and provide you with a strong sense of community and purpose.
Family support groups
Addiction affects more than the veteran, it affects the whole family, and Tree House Recovery is a resource for family members of those who are working through their addiction. Tree House Recovery provides one of the best family programs in the Nation and can help veteran family members focus on healing themselves while their loved ones are in treatment. Your family is part of your team, and we work hard to make sure the team is strong. We also help connect you to outside organizations that specialize in helping families affected by addiction.
Military Substance Abuse Resources:
Discrete – Holistic Care – Substance Abuse – Trauma – PTSD
If you need help or you think someone you care for is addicted, there are many resources available to you:
Military SUD Program Resources
- SAMHSA, aka The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, is a resource for active-duty military personnel seeking treatment. Call directly (1-800-662-HELP) or visit their website.
- SUDCC army: Information on Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Army Members
- VA Treatment Programs for Substance Abuse provided by The United States Department of Veteran Affairs:
Military Benefits for SUD Resources
- Military One Source offers information about addiction and warning signs, as well as treatment and recovery resources for service members and their families.
Military Suicide Emergency Resource
- Veterans Crisis Line (24/7): 1-800-273-8255 (press 1)
- https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/
Cited Sources:
- https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/substance-use-military-life#ref
- Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. (2018). Veteran suicide data report, 2005–2016. Retrieved from https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/docs/data-sheets/2020/2020-National-Veteran-Suicide-Prevention-Annual-Report-11-2020-508.pdf
- https://www.ptsd.va.gov/u2020 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Reportnderstand/related/suicide_ptsd.asp
- https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand/related/substance_misuse.asp