Positive Affirmations for Men

Positive Affirmations For Men

In Health & Wellness, mental health by Tree House Recovery

Everyone needs pick-me-ups and men are no exception. Positive affirmations are simple, meaningful, and uplifting statements that are repeated every day. When we positively affirm ourselves, we start to become more self-aware, change negative thought patterns, and rewire our brains for positivity. Positive affirmations can help us achieve our goals and feel better about ourselves. Let’s talk about how to decide on your positive affirmations and a few possible affirmations for men.

Choosing Your Affirmations

Above all, you’ll want your affirmation to be meaningful to you. Otherwise, you’re just repeating empty words. Ask yourself in what areas of your life you’d like more confidence, happiness, peace, or success. Focus on some key qualities or feelings that you’d like to cultivate. You can be as specific or general as you’d like and you don’t need to share your affirmations with anyone.

Benefits of Using Positive Affirmations

There are myriad benefits of engaging in the daily repetition of positive affirmations. The brain is malleable and we have the power to mold our thought patterns. In turn, our thoughts create our outlook and reality. Positive affirmations are an easy way to get into the driver’s seat of your life.

There’s an affirmation for every situation. The beautiful thing about positive affirmations is that they’re versatile. We have lots of language at our disposal and you can pick and choose your affirmations based on the way you’re feeling, your future goals, and whatever you’re struggling with.

Positive affirmations boost energy. Negative emotions and thoughts drain our energy. It’s easy to get caught in a spiral of negative emotions.

Positive affirmations help us feel connected to ourselves. Men are often seen as the “strong and silent” sex. This is damaging to all genders. When we take time to practice self-care and affirm ourselves, we get in tune with our inner lives.

Examples of Positive Affirmations for Men

  • I am brave.
  • I bravely strive to better myself.
  • I am in touch with my emotions.
  • I balance my masculine and feminine energies.
  • I surrender to the universe.
  • My emotions are worthy.
  • I am worthy of love.
  • I love myself.
  • I am resilient.
  • I can change my thoughts.
  • I can’t control others.


Tree House Recovery of Portland, Oregon uses cutting-edge techniques in individualized programs to help men achieve freedom from addiction. Taking a holistic, sustainable approach to the inner and outer effects of addiction ensures you or your loved one will emerge with the confidence and skills to manage your addiction independently. No one is beyond help- our Admissions Counselors are available 24/7 at (503) 850-2474