“I’m over it.” We hear this exhausted sentiment of frustration come from men too often in recovery. Mistakenly, many call this “defeat” or “surrender” or even worse- “quitting”. Quitting in addiction recovery isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of being scared, intimidated, and overwhelmed. Fighting addiction is not easy. Fighting addiction takes remarkable strength, endurance, and willingness to work through every single uncomfortable challenge which life presents- of which there are endless amounts. Doing the hard work isn’t exactly what the brain signs up for in addiction recovery. The addicted brain is accustomed to a certain way of living, one that is focused on maximizing the sensation of pleasure as much as possible. Of course, viewing handwork as less than pleasurable is not unique to the brains of men who are recovering from addiction. However, the deep programming and chemical dependency which comes with addiction creates a mind-body response which can be incredibly convincing. Addiction is many things, including a habit, and the many behaviors which come with addiction are habits as well. Every part of addiction is habitual, from waking up with shakes, to calling a dealer, to driving to the store, to hiding a stash, to a using spot, to the foods eaten while high, to the repeated patterns which take place every single day.
When men in recovery say “I’m over it”, they’re not over it at all. In fact, it is likely they want more than anything in that moment to not be over it. The reality is that they don’t know how to keep going, how to not be “over it”, how to cope with the fear and prospect of more exhausting work ahead- or how to trust that they will learn, they will grow, and they will get through it.
You will learn how to get over being over it and learn that there is no over it- there is only through it and you will get through it.
At Tree House Recovery in Portland, Oregon, men are finding freedom from addiction. By working through the challenges of their recovery together, men build the bond of brotherhood which supports them throughout their journey. Call us today for information on our men’s treatment programs: (503) 850-2474