How to Make Summer Last

How to Make Summer Last

In Addiction, Sober Living by Tree House Recovery

An Indian Summer is when summer extends beyond the typical summer months. After the autumnal equinox takes place on September 21, and the summer heat, as well as sunshine, is persisting, it is called an Indian Summer. Though it is rare, summer heat and weather has been known to persist in Portland, well into Thanksgiving. This year of 2018 is definitely a year of record breaking warm weather all over the globe, meaning the heat is not going away any time soon. In the event of an Indian Summer, it is important to take precaution to stay cool, hydrated, and active as the heat rages on. Soak up every last bit of sunshine you can before the fall and winter finally take over. As any good Oregonian or Portlandian knows, once the clouds come in for the winter, they don’t leave until the spring and summer of next year. Store up your doses of Vitamin D with these tips.

Take Everything Outside

When the summer is burning like a lasting sunset, there’s no such thing as spending too much time outdoors. Make the most of the lasting sunshine and take everything outside. Breakfast? Sit outside. Reading a book? Lay down outside. Have a business meeting? Walk outside. Dates? Portland is full of romantic outdoor date spots. Exercise outside. Meditate outside. Do therapy outside. Cook outside. If you have an outdoor shower- shower outside. Before the snowstorms start hitting, take it all outside.

Take Those Road trips

Many Oregonians plan their road trip schedules around the seasons and the weather. Knowing summer will end and fall will settle in, many summer road trips are put further down the list for next year or the year after that. An Indian Summer gives you the chance to check more road trips and adventures off your list. If the sun is still shining, the weather is still warm, and you’re sober ready to go- why not?

Take Advantage Of Summer Produce

Your summer produce selection may last longer with the extended heat which means you should take full advantage of keeping summery foods in your diet and nutrition plan. Store up your fresh berries, cruciferous vegetables, and other local summer produce. If you’ve grown tired of that summer berry taste, store pounds of berries in the freezer for those winter cravings.

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