A Sober 4th of July (Celebrate the Freedom of 'Merica through the freedom of sobriety!)

A Sober 4th of July (Celebrate the Freedom of ‘Merica through the freedom of sobriety!)

In Sober Living by Tree House Recovery

July 4th, otherwise known as independence day, is a day that we celebrate America’s freedom Like many holidays, the fourth of July has turned into a day to party, drink alcohol and/or use drugs, and relax. During holidays, it can be especially difficult to resist the temptations of substances. But, what if we looked at the fourth of July as a day to celebrate the freedom and independence we’ve received as a result of sobriety? Sounds freeing!

Reflect on Your Progress

Take some time on the holiday (and beyond) to reflect on some of the amazing progress you’ve made on your recovery journey. Sober holidays are the perfect time to create new rituals and ways of connecting. Take a few moments to write down some of your achievements. 

Celebrate Freedom

Recovery is a long and oftentimes arduous journey. How often do we take time to reflect upon the freedom and independence that sobriety brings? We are no longer slaves to our addictions. We can live freedom-filled lives of choice, healing, and love. If you’re feeling left out of the more traditional 4th of July activities, celebrate your freedom!

Get Active

One of the beautiful things that a life of sobriety offers us is the ability to reconnect with activities and passions that were lost during active addiction. Go see some fireworks and enjoy them in all of their bright glory. Go to the beach with recovery friends and have a picnic, play sports, or go hiking. The sober possibilities are limitless.


Check in with yourself on this holiday and think about where you’d like this freedom to take you. You can harness this recovery energy however you’d like. Set some goals, check in with how you’re feeling, and enjoy yourself.


Tree House Recovery of Portland, Oregon uses cutting-edge techniques in individualized programs to help men achieve freedom from addiction. Taking a holistic, sustainable approach to the inner and outer effects of addiction ensures you or your loved one will emerge with the confidence and skills to manage your addiction independently. No one is beyond help- our Admissions Counselors are available 24/7 at (503) 850-2474