The Summer Activities You Didn't Think About Yet

The Summer Activities You Didn’t Think About Yet

In Recovery, Sober Living by Tree House Recovery

Summer is full of promise for outdoor excursions, unforgettable adventures, and the coming together of a local community who lacks sunshine most of the year. It’s true, summer in Portland is absolutely magical and your schedule will never be lacking in things to do for the precious months of heat and sunshine we get here in the city of roses and bridges.

There may be some summer activities you haven’t thought of yet because you might assume they have to be done indoors. Brain stimulating activities which require learning help your brain grow in the early stages of recovery and onward. Keeping the brain excited with new learning information and skills keeps the brain young while giving it longevity. To combat the “loss of brain cells” you experienced during active addiction, you have to work to get them back. Summer rarely inspires work, however, you can take that work outside, on your road trips, your summer commutes, your hikes, and more.


Just before the summer seasons, the media circulates different suggestions of reading lists. The “summer reading list” is infamous around the world because summer is a time for reading. With extra time on your hands out of school or in transition from treatment back to school or a job, you have time to do some reading. Reading forces the mind to think critically as well as creatively while teaching you, inspiring you, and taking you to alternate worlds in different times. You don’t need drugs to take a trip in your mind- a good book always suffices. For hikes, outdoor runs, commutes, and adventures, try audiobooks so you can take your reading on the move.

Learn A New Skill

Call it a hobby, a side passion, or a skill, learning always benefits the mind. Today, learning a new language, hobby, or skill is easier than ever thanks to the internet and the modern digital world of apps. You can learn to speak French, play guitar, or code your own app in the matter of weeks. Setting a goal and completing a program will boost your confidence and self-esteem in a way which will carry you straight through the year.

Everyday at Tree House Recovery, men are finding freedom from addiction. Our men’s treatment programs are designed to completely transform men’s lives, inside and out. Men create a lifestyle of sustainable recovery by creating a lifestyle of sustainable change and live limitless lives as a result. For more information, call: (503) 850-2474