Avoid the Winter Workout Blues

In Recovery, Sober Living by Tree House RecoveryLeave a Comment

Acceptance is an important theme in recovery for an important reason: we can’t change other people, any places, or anything, outside of our capabilities. The winter comes, whether we like the weather or not, and we have to adapt. Adaptability is what helps us maintain our mental serenity and work within the parameters of what we have been given to do the best that we can. Thankfully, gyms are open year round and even in the harshest conditions, there are workouts we can do at home. The real challenge of working out in the winter is getting the work done. Shorter daylight hours can be uninspiring- aesthetically and biologically. Extra production of melatonin can make you more lethargic and tired, therefore uninspired to work out. Be like a bear on the hunt, not a bear in hibernation.

About that holiday gift list: ask for winter training gear

Working out in the winter is cold. You need the right gear to get you through the chilliest mornings, afternoons, and evenings when you’re training outside or getting to the gym. Winter doesn’t end in most places until about February. For that December holiday gifting, ask for the gear you need to keep your mind and body in good shape.

Workout when you can

When you live in areas like Oregon, which are prone to the occasional snowpocalypse, it is easy to get trapped indoors as a result of unmanageable weather. Sticking to your normal workout schedule can be hectic, especially with deadlines, finals, and holiday festivities involved. Get your workouts where you can. Incorporate workout routines into your winter Netflix binges, standing in holiday shopping lines, and first thing in the morning.

New year’s resolutions? Try an end of winter goal instead

Why wait until the beginning of the new year to set and start working toward a goal? Smash the end of this year by setting a short-term goal you can hit before the clock strikes twelve. Or, create a goal that will carry you through the New Year so that you are getting off to the right start for 2018.

Choose a fitness activity only available in the winter

A great way to stick to a fitness plan in the winter is to set your focus on an activity only available in the winter. Training to hit the slopes, for example, can keep you motivated all winter long.

Tree House Recovery is a men’s residential treatment program located in Portland, Oregon. Creating sustainable recovery through sustainable change, our programs help men learn how to live sober with adventurous lives. Call us today for information:  (503) 850-2474

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