What To Bring To The Team

In Article, Recovery, Sober Living by Tree House RecoveryLeave a Comment

Many elements of recovery can be brought into a teamwork environment.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential for sustainability and success in any kind of relationship. Teamwork is about balancing different relationships to make it work- the relationship you have with each person on your team and the relationship the team has with itself as a whole. When a team works together, they are usually working toward something. Having clearly defined goals, expectations, and mission are important for a team to have direction. Whatever it is you are working toward and however it is you are working toward that goal, communication is required along the way. Teams suffer when egos interfere. Communication cuts the tendency to take things personally and enforces articulate understanding.


A team is just a group of people until they have roles and responsibilities to work toward their goal together. Your personal role on a team is dependent upon your ability to be accountable to that role. Accountability is a principle of recovery which is critical for sustaining your sobriety. Accountability requires you to show up, be present, and meet your responsibilities- the first and most important of which is abstaining from drugs and alcohol.


Men who have lived with active addiction and alcoholism know too well how it feels to lose respect for themselves and to feel the loss of respect from others. Gaining back that respect takes time and work. Having respect for others is part of creating respect for yourself, particularly when you are part of a team. Bringing respect to the table helps you treat others with assertive compassion as well as empathy.


Honesty is how men who are living with active addiction make the decision to get sober. It takes just one moment of true, authentic honesty with himself to realize that he is completely chemically dependent on mind-altering substances and that he is not able to help himself. That kind of honesty requires a certain level of humility. Being honest with oneself is no easy task, especially when there has been years of being dishonest with oneself and with others. Honesty is the best policy personally, interpersonally, and intrapersonally.


Honesty is often an open policy. Open does not have to be the policy of your personal boundaries. Working with others does not mean letting go of all your personal boundaries for the sake of the team. Part of honesty, respect, accountability, and communication is creating and maintaining boundaries in order to contribute as much as possible to a team while taking care of yourself in mind, body, and spirit.


Tree House Recovery is a men’s residential treatment program located in Portland, Oregon. Creating sustainable recovery through sustainable change, our programs help men learn how to live sober with adventurous lives. Call us today for information: (503) 850-2474


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